CDC uncovers 13 E-coli cases linked to US Wendy’s fast food

2 years ago

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Image Credit- Forbe's

The Center for Disease Control has indicated that Wendy’s restaurants have been linked to a recent outbreak of E coli recorded in six states across the US with 97 people infected.

Public health officials have also noted that of the 97 people infected with the virus, 81 percent reported eating at the popular fast-food chain one week before the illness started.

No deaths have been recorded so far, however, 43 people have been hospitalized while 10 developed hemolytic uremic syndrome, a serious condition that can cause kidney failure.

The CDC also mentioned that no specific food on the restaurant’s menu has been confirmed as the source of the outbreak however in late August, Wendy’s removed romane lettuce from its menu in restaurants in Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.

The agency also noted that while it is not advising citizens to avoid eating at the restaurant, there is no concretized evidence that proves that romane lettuce is linked to the E coli outbreak.

In the interim, the agency is advising those who have E coli symptoms such as diarrhea and a fever over 102°F as well as severe vomiting or signs of dehydration to contact their health care practitioner and make a list of items consumed before the initial symptoms.