Spotify to increase subscription fees

10 months ago

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Brendan Mcdermid | Reuter

Subscribers of the music streaming platform Spotify could be digging deeper into their pockets to access the service following reports of plans to hike premium subscription prices.

According to a Bloomberg report on Wednesday, subscription fees are set to go up between $1.00 and $ 2.00 in five markets, including Australia and the UK, by the end of April, while a price bump in the US is slated for later in the year.

This means its traditional 10.99 prices on premium plans would be revised to 11.99 and $ 12.99. The rise will be the second in the year after increasing its longstanding $9.99 plan to its current rate last July.

It’s understood that the planned price hike is mainly due to the introduction of audiobooks to its suite of service offerings by the Swedish music streaming company.