A crowd of mainly women gathered outside the Supreme Court in downtown Kingston and demanded that former West St. Mary MP, Jolyan Silvera be denied bail and that he be expelled from the PNP.
The crowd gathered shortly before Silvera was denied bail.
The women had placards with a variety of messages including a demanded for a stop to the slaughter of women and children in Jamaica.
Other placards demanded justice for Melissa Silvera, Saraya Paulwell and Toshnya Patterson.

Saraya and Toshya are the murdered child and former intimate partner of ex-PNP Vice President and current East Kingston MP, Phillip Paulwell.
Some of the protesters spoke to the media and insisted that justice be done for Melissa Silvera who was the God daughter of former Prime Minister, PJ Patterson. The women insisted the protest was not politically motivated.
A member of the protesting continent said they want justice for Melissa Silvera, Saraya Paulwell, Toshnya Patterson and all women and children who’ve been gunned down in Jamaica.
The women also insisted that it be disclosed whether there was an attempt to clean up the crime scene where Melissa Silvera was murdered.
They also insisted that the media be allowed into the Court room to cover the Silvera murder case.
The Police kept a close watch on proceedings outside the Supreme Court as the protesters continued their cry for justice.
Protesters gathered at the Supreme Court in downtown Kingston shortly before former West St. Mary Member of Parliament, the PNP’s Jolyan Silvera was denied bail.