Man sentenced to prison for Intentionally Getting Fat to Avoid Military Service

2 months ago

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A 26-year-old South Korean man was reportedly recently slapped with a one-year prison sentence for deliberately binge eating in an attempt to be declared obese and declared unfit to serve mandatory military service.

Under South Korean Law, all healthy adult males between 18 and 35 years old are mandated to spend at least 21 months in the army, irrespective of their occupation. Persons who are allowed to avoid the rigours of military service if they are declared unfit for service due to health issues related issues.

According to reports, the unidentified man allegedly decided to test his luck by going the overweight route. It’s understood that he doubled his daily food intake, drinking a large amount of water just before the physical examination for the draft.

The attempted hack, which was said to have been concocted by his friend judged as an accomplice, was, however, caught by astute authorities, who presented evidence of his inflated dietary plans and constantly monitored his weight.

Following investigations, he was found guilty of attempting to evade mandatory military service without justifiable cause and subsequently sentenced to a year behind bars, while his friend got six months in prison suspended for two years.