The sacrificial lamb; Powe not perturbed by Edward’s comments

Kwela Cole

4 years ago

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Jamaican social media is outraged after a video was released by Craig Powe, a survivor of COVID-19, outlining the long-term side effects of the virus he was experiencing was viciously analysed by Jay Edwards. Edwards is a health professional, and nutritionist of well-known gym Spry Training.

Spry Training’s Instagram, generally known for their controversial takes on wellness, released a video reacting to the video, with Jay Edwards remorselessly commenting on Powe’s weight and the issues he was experiencing.

The Gym’s health professional even went as far as to scroll through his Instagram on the video, nit-picking photos posted as early as 2017.

Adding to the situation is Edwards invalidating Powe’s experience as incorrect and diagnosing his condition for himself.

Powe has since shared a video to his social media assuring viewers of his indifference to the online jeering his condition stirred up. The young professional sees the predicament as an opportunity to warn against the effects of the virus and encourage receiving ‘the jab’.

“I’m actually fine with it. In a weird way, I think it is getting out more positive messages around vaccination because people are talking about it.”

He considers his making public of his otherwise private and to some embarrassing matter, a sacrifice necessary to make to ensure the health of his countries people in the long run.

“I don’t think the men out there wanna be me because they could be made fun of…Somebody has to do it. The sacrificial lamb. [Minister of Health and Wellness] Christopher Tufton and his team said 50,000 more vaccines are coming. So let’s see when those come. If you guys don’t wanna be like me…”

Despite Powe’s pleasant disposition, a focal point of many commentators of the situation is how acceptable it was for the gym to comment on this so publicly. It begs the question: How far is too far?