Prime Minister, Andrew Holness, says notwithstanding a few teething pains, the E-commerce National Delivery System (ENDS) pilot has been extremely successful.
“The demand has been overwhelming and we will be expanding the pilot programme for registration to businesses islandwide by Thursday, May 6, 2021,” Holness said.
“We are moving quickly to further enhance ENDS to prepare for a full launch to be called ENDS 2.0 which will include a redesigned website and mobile apps, as well as interconnection with other government systems to facilitate proper monitoring and enforcement,” he added.
The Prime Minister emphasised that as has been the case, to date, the system will be fully inclusive and enable the smallest vendors to participate.
ENDS is a partnership between the Government of Jamaica and the Private Sector Organisation of Jamaica (PSOJ).
It allows the quick-service industry and delivery operators registered on the ENDS platform to operate during the hours of the curfew until midnight.
Customers will be able to choose from listed vendors and pay for their orders via a debit/credit card or a top-up voucher.