From the banks of the Hope to…yet still winning right now!
As a stalwart in Jamaica’s music industry, Agent Sasco, known for his unique blend of reggae and dancehall — and his quick—wit lyrics, continues to evolve to keep his sound fresh and his fans entertained.
Formerly known as Assassin, he made himself in 2001 when he took the dancehall scene by storm. Now, almost twenty years later, he continues to dominate the music arena with four albums under his belt and several accolades.
Adding to his ever diversifying portfolio, Sasco’s latest project, a 5-track compilation titled Sasco vs Assassin, gives a wholesome representation of his two personas over the years.
The new EP features collaborations with Sean Paul, Chronixx, Kranium and Tropkillaz.
Sleek Jamaica Media caught up with Sasco to discuss his latest release and other musings.
Who tek the clash on the new EP? Sasco or Assassin?
Answer: I’m not sure it’s a clash really but in any case, that’s for listeners to determine. I guess the real task is to first determine who’s who?
How do you decide which of the two personas to use musically?
Answer: It’s not an active part of the process beforehand. I just work with whatever delivery I think best suits a particular song or verse or whatever I’m trying to communicate. After it’s done, I might listen and think, that sounds like Assassin or that sounds like Sasco.
The risks and rewards of a pandemic album
Answer: This is just a really tough time for so many people in so many industries all over the world. Putting out this EP to me is more a function of honoring my word to release a project every two years, especially after the completion of my studio. Hope River was released in 2018, so 2020 means something is due. In terms of risk and rewards, it is what it is, I’m happy I have a great team to manage that aspect of things so I can focus on doing what I love.
COVID effects (How has COVID affected you personally and professionally?)
Answer: Like I said it’s a tough time for a lot of people in many industries. Music and Entertainment has clearly been adversely affected. On the flip side of that, I’ve been able to explore and cultivate other interest with extra time COVID has afforded me and I have discovered a legit “other passion”. I have always been interested in building and construction but since the Pandemic I’ve gotten the opportunity to really immerse myself in it and I realize I truly love it.
Sasco of all trades
Entertainer turned Modern Builder
Answer: I decided to spend my COVID afforded ‘free time’, doing different DIY projects around the house. My team realised that H&L would make a great partner and we worked on a few home projects over the last few months that really did well on digital platforms. It’s been a good partnership for all parties and I’ve gotten to realise I’m as passionate about building as I am about music.
Still winning now! – After 20 years in the business, what is Sasco’s secret to success and still maintaining a dominant role in the industry?
Answer: My career started in 2001 so it’s actually 19 years and I’m very grateful for that. I always consider myself a student if the music and my main objective has always been to maximize my potential. So I’m always working on improving on all the necessary faculties from recording to performing. I have a sincere love for the art form and it has guided my approach and decisions over the years. Most importantly, I think because I’ve remained true to my myself, I’ve established a level of consistency because after all, the truth is constant.