Ingenuity meets eco-friendly efficiency was the main theme at the launch of the region’s newest electric vehicle powerhouse, Build Your Dream (BYD), as they ‘rev’ in the new wave of ‘green transport’ at the National Indoor Sports Centre on Friday.
As the world shifts away from oil-dependent transport, ATL Auto is facilitating Jamiaca’s own path on ‘green transport’ through its partnership with BYD.
While many locals may not be as familiar with the brand, the Chinese automotive company BYD has been the global leader in the electric vehicle market. Country manager, Central and Latin America Neva Zhang explained during her presentation.
Just in case you are concerned about the range between charges, ATL group chairman Adam Stewart debunked some concerns as he noted the extraordinary mileage and functionality BYD provides.
General Manager Sloan Jackson also underscored the astounding distance BYDs are capable of on a single charge.
While the group stands behind its commitment to the health and care of the environment, that care and consideration is also extended to your pocket, Mr. Jackson shares.
Despite the inclement weather, the showers perhaps serve to nourish seeds about the benefits of owning an E-Vehicle, namely, a BYD, as the ‘go-green’ trend takes root in Jamaica.
The ATL automotive show and the showcase of the new BYD is certainly #CertifiedSLEEK