‘Creatives inspire Creatives,’ a popular adage goes. That philosophy is being proven true as noted production house GD Films has taken up the mantle to showcase a real-world preview of being a ‘creative’ in Jamaica with its docu-series-Cre8tives.
Cre8tives- a locally produced 8-part series gives an interesting personal perspective of what it means, for the most part, to be a Jamaican creative through the lens of the creators themselves, which has been a growing area of discussion in recent times.
GD Films led by noted filmmaker- Garreth Daley- has been instrumental in the production of several notable projects for local and international markets, including major and independent international film sets.
The idea of using their experience and expertise to highlight local talents in the space is one of their ways of contributing to the growth and expansion of the local industry, and it best explained its mission statement for the series-
“our goal is to use our platform to amplify the work of Jamaican creatives and position their crafts as viable, professional career options.”
What’s interesting about the series, is its very personal experience-based approach in highlighting some of the creatives who participate in more unconventional or lesser recognized areas within that space.
The first-person narrative from the voices of the creatives themselves shares their respective stories of being part of the field.
Not only their sojourn into the local creative but their shared experiences within the burgeoning industry itself, which includes challenges, support, potential and opportunities in the industry.
The direct insight vivid and succinctly unveils the reality for the most part about venturing into what they would proudly describe as a passion endeavor.
Such passion is constantly reflected in various aspects of Jamaican culture, which is easily recognized and anxiously absorbed and consumed globally, be it through, fashion, arts, music, entertainment, or the country’s expanding repository of popular language.
This dynamic makes for a very relatable and compelling insight for those who are considering entry into the creative field, those who are already participants in the industry as well as those who are simply intrigued by the creations produced and their process.
The docu-series importantly underscores areas in which may not have been seen as creative field by many or even be aware of it’s existence as role, importance, and potential career avenue in the field.
Speaking to Sleek Jamaica- The creators- GD FILMS shared that a project such as this was necessary at this time because;- “Jamaica is filled with immense talent and creativity in areas that aren’t discussed often enough or at all”
“There are people producing exemplary work who are often overlooked. Cre8tives aims to shed light on these talents while taking a deeper look into their journeys.” Adding that: “Such content is also valuable in providing insight into different career options for Young adults who want to hone their skills”
The series which is in its inaugural season on GD Films’ YouTube channel, has already featured the stories of three talented creatives.

Traditionally Jamaica has been recognized as the land of wood and water and with Kingston updated as an official creative city by United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 2015, it further emphasizes the importance of this type of exposure to the various avenues within the local space.