JCF, JDF launch joint anti-gang force

Racquel McKenzie

3 years ago

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Photo: JCF

Security forces have now launched an anti-gang task force that is aimed at minimising criminal activities on the island.

This task force will comprise members from both the Jamaica Defence Force (JDF) and the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF), who are trained extensively in policing and military tactics.

This notion was announced at a joint media press briefing by Police Commissioner Major Antony Anderson.

Major Anderson noted that the idea of launching a joint anti-gang task force came out of a need to provide a safer haven for the citizens of Jamaica, by disrupting gang activities, as well as retrieving illegal weapons.

“This is all about being our focus on guns, gunmen, and gangs,” Commissioner Anderson declared.

“We saw it as a part of our strategic focus that will require an agile task force here in Jamaica,” he added.

Commissioner Anderson also noted that this task force will not be confined to a particular geographic location but will be dispersed all over the island.

So far, the task force has retrieved seven illegal firearms, arrested 20 persons suspected of lottery and scamming, and has placed a stop order on an illegal bottling ring used to fund gangs.