JUTC reports loss from drivers’ strike

Racquel McKenzie

3 years ago

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The Jamaica Urban Transit Company (JUTC) has reported a significant loss in revenue following a strike by bus drivers on Monday, November 29.

The strike was prompted by last Friday’s incident involving a JUTC bus driver and a police officer in downtown Kingston.

As a result of the strike, hundreds of commuters from Kingston, St Andrew, and St Catherine both the Spanish town and Portmore routes were left stranded at bus stops until rescue came from taxi and private bus operators.

After dialogue with members of the Police High Commission and the Senior Members of JUTC, duties on both routes were resumed at 12:00 noon.

In an interview with SLEEK JAMAICA MEDIA, Communications Manager for JUTC, Cecil Thoms pointed out that the $2 million loss was just an estimation and not an actual figure that covered the loss in fares that came as a result of the preempted strike.

He further noted that as business resumes, the loss in fares will be covered.