Micheal Jordan sells majority stake in Hornets

Stevian Francis

1 year ago

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NBA legend Michael Jordan looks set to add another billion to his net worth after the sale of his majority stake ownership of the Charlotte Hornets.

News of the sale was announced by the Franchise via a statement on their website on Friday, which was also shared on their social media.

The sale of the NBA team he’s owned for more than a decade—will be to a consortium group which also includes fellow North Carolina native rapper J. Cole among its investors.

With the sale, Jordan whose 2 billion net worth was aided partly due to his ownership of the team looks set.

The six-time NBA champion became a majority stakeholder for the franchise then known as the Bobcats-for $180 million in 2010, after owning a minority stake since 2006.

With Hornets’ current valuation standing at 1.7 billion dollars. Jordan who will retain a minority stake would be projected to cross the 3 billion threshold.

Given the expected increase in revenue from a 275 million-dollar stadium renovation, the value is set to rise significantly.

Jordan who won six championship rings with Chicago Bulls is the first and only black, and past player to own an NBA franchise and the first ‘basketball billionaire.’