Former National Security Minister, Robert Montague was moved by an emotional speech made by Lisa Hanna about 8-year-old Danielle Rowe, in Parliament today and Montague said those responsible should be “hanged to death.”

An emotional, Hanna spoke on the matter and shared from the side of a mother and leader saying it is time for the Parliament to act and called on both the National Security Minister and Prime Minister to activate the Commission on Violence Prevention.
An equally emotional Montague in expressing his views on the matter said he agreed with MP Hanna that the time to do something is now.
He added that what should be done ‘now’ is to fully equip the police to catch the perpetrators and strengthen systems in the courts “to find them guilty, and for this crime, that is the worst of the worst, let us hang them by the neck, until they are dead.”
This is what Montague believes is needed to stop and reduce crime of this nature in the country.
Meanwhile, Prime Minister Holness said the perpetrators deserves the full force of the law. He also underscored that he has directed “the police commissioner to place all the investigative resources into this cases.”
The Prime Minister then asked Jamaicans to work with the police and provide all relevant information they may have on the matter.

He commended the Education Minister for her move to acquire CCTV cameras for primary schools and also added that the government is going a step further, as it will be a requirement for public spaces to have CCTV’s especially schools.
The announcement he said will be made in short order.