More public Wi-Fi hotspots to be established in major towns

3 years ago

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Seven additional Wi-Fi hotspots will be established in major towns by the end of this financial year, as the Government continues to increase public access to free Internet service.

The locations are Falmouth, Trelawny; Savanna-la-Mar, Westmoreland; Morant Bay, St. Thomas; Lucea, Hanover; Spanish Town, St. Catherine; Port Maria, St. Mary; and Black River, St. Elizabeth.

Minister of Science, Energy and Technology, Daryl Vaz, in making the announcement in the House of Representatives on Wednesday (September 28), informed that contracts have been awarded for three sites and procurement initiated for the remaining four sites.

He said that the seven new locations will bring to 20 the number of public Wi-Fi sites in major towns across the country by March 31, 2022.

The public Wi-Fi-hotspot programme, which is being undertaken by the Universal Service Fund (USF), complements the Government’s drive to provide easy Internet access for residents under a community Wi-Fi initiative.

A total of 189 sites have been selected under the community initiative, based on recommendations from the Members of Parliament (MPs).

It is being spearheaded by the USF in conjunction with eGov Jamaica Limited and the National Works Agency (NWA).

Minister Vaz told the House that the schedule is for the community initiative to be implemented in four phases, with full deployment by the end of the first quarter of 2022/2023, but “I’m seeking to change from four phases to three phases and to have everything completed for the 189 Wi-Fi hotspots by the end of this financial year, which means March 2022”.

He said that further discussions will be held on the proposal.