PJ tells PNP “broad-based support” is the key to win

Shannon-Dale Reid

1 year ago

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Former President of the People’s National Party (PNP) and former Prime Minister PJ Patterson on Saturday charged supporters of the Party to rally around the current President, Mark Golding, and to improve its organizational structure if it wants to be the next government.

While addressing the private session of the party’s Annual Conference on Saturday evening, P.J. argued that the President must be given the freedom to choose his team, but said the team must be of the highest standard.

His comments came following a long list of concerns and internal conflict between the current party membership at all levels.

Understanding this, the former PM warned that the PNP cannot afford to bench any of its brightest stars and persons with a broad appeal.

He also urged the party to capitalise on the disaffection among members of the society and improve its national presence on the ground from now until the end of election day.  
Meanwhile, P.J. urged the General Secretary to identify and convince the more than 100-thousand party members who stayed away from the polls during the last election to return to the party and get more support from the party.

He explained that the PNP would again be defeated if it does not target and gain the support of the island’s teachers, nurses, doctors, lawyers, clergy, journalists, farmers, workers in tourism, BPO’s, barbers, hairdressers, household helpers, and taxi operators.