Chairman of the Police Federation Corporal Rohan James has indicated that the Federation will be rejecting the proposed salary scale under the public sector compensation review plan that was put forth by the Ministry of Finance.
Corporal James alluded that the new salary scale would make rank and file members of the police force worse off due to taxation and posits as an insult to officers who risk their lives daily.
“What was presented to us is an insult, more so with the risk associated with the profession and the fact that there was absolutely no consultation as to how they would have arrived at the current position. It is one that undermines the good industrial relations practices, and we are not going to sit by and allow for a dictatorial approach to erode any gains that we would have made over the years,” Corporal James explained.
In February, the Government of Jamaica signed a 12-month Heads of Agreement for a four per cent increase in wages and allowances for the contract period April 1, 2021, to March 31, 2022, to members of the Jamaica Teacher’s Association (JTA) and the Jamaica Police Federation.
With this agreement, the GOJ had concluded the stipulated wage agreements with bargaining groups and unions representing over 98 per cent of public servants.
In the interim, Corporal James outlined that the recommendations on a reasonable salary package will be submitted to the Finance Ministry on Tuesday.