Texas man missing hours after boasting about stealing from Mexican cartel

Stevian Francis

1 year ago

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A Texas man has reportedly gone missing hours after allegedly bragging about stealing US $50,000 from a Mexican cartel.

According to reports, Erik Tadeo Ramirez was last seen trying to escape from a moving pickup truck as it crossed the Juarez-Lincoln International Bridge in Laredo, which connects the Mexican state of Tamaulipas with Texas.

It’s understood that the FBI confirmed a criminal complaint had been made after Mr Ramirez, who is said to have bragged about taking money from the Cartel Del Noreste, which is considered one of the most dangerous criminal network in the Central American state.

It’s further understood that a March 24 video captured a man with a bloodied face being hauled back into the passenger seat of a Blue Doge pickup by several men after attempting to flee at 1:09 am officials said in the complaint.

The car flew past the bridge attendant, leaving behind a blood-stained shirt and pair of trousers on the side of the road the officials added.

This incident allegedly comes hours after witnesses recalled his boastful pronouncements to someone during a phone call at a party on March 23, according to an affidavit, as per the Mirror.

The witness claimed that Mr Ramirez shared a sense of security being across the border in the US

Ramirez’s sister reported him missing to the Laredo Police Department, and the FBI quickly became involved.

One man, Jonathan Cavriales, had been taken into custody in connection with the kidnapping after attempting to cross the border back into the US on March 27, documents say.

In a statement, the FBI confirmed a criminal complaint had been made.

“The FBI is unable to provide comment on this ongoing investigation. The FBI relentlessly pursues all options when it comes to protecting the American people, and this doesn’t change when they are endangered across the border.”

According to reports, Cavriales confessed his involvement along with three other men adding “that he was aware that (Ramirez) had stolen approximately $50,000 from Cartel Del Noreste.”

While Ramirez’s exact location or condition remains uncertain, investigation for his discovery is ongoing.