Since the beginning of the pandemic, people have been looking forward to life going back to normal. Normal meaning having events, social gatherings and regular interactions.
The Weeknd might seem brazen to some- with the release of tour dates for over 100 locations worldwide in 2022. The idea that he started making plans- when the pandemic is still very active, might make people question if the plans are feasible?
The obvious is that everyone is trying to have some sense of normalcy- work as best around the virus. This means finding creative ways to open certain sectors, which might be what The Weeknd is trying to achieve.
Dr Nicholas Christakis, physician and social scientist at Yale University and the author of Apollo’s Arrow: The Profound and Enduring Impact of Coronavirus on the Way We Live- explains in his opinion piece -that the pandemic might actually last until 2024, he goes on to estimate that herd immunity will take place in 2022 but getting back to a day-to-day might take a little longer even with a active vaccine.
Our lives have been changed in such a way getting back to ordinary social and economical standings can take a longer time. The future is truly all up in the air at this point, maybe The Weeknd knows more than we do, maybe doctors are accurate and we should just wait it out. The only way forward is through.