The Westmoreland Police have arrested and charged two men with Office-House Breaking, Larceny and Receiving Stolen Property following a robbery at a school in Caledonia district, Westmoreland on Saturday, January 16, 2021.
Charged are 51-year-old Steve Rowe of Snowden Avenue in Kingston and 44-year-old Patrick Campbell, otherwise called ‘Bingy’, of New Market Oval, Savanna-la-Mar in Westmoreland.
Reports from the Negril Police are that upon returning to school on Monday, January 18, 2021, the principal discovered that a ceiling fan valued at JM$ 11,000 was stolen from a classroom. The incident was reported to the police and Rowe was identified as a suspect. He was apprehended on Saturday, February 06.
Follow-up operations led to the arrest of Campbell, whose house was searched and the stolen fan found inside his bedroom. Both men were charged.